Download GST 101 Past Questions And Answers For National Open University (NOUN)

Q1. To increase your word power in English you must cultivate the habit of reading answer: extensively 
Q2. _means screening a given passage very rapidly to locate important information within a large chunk of reading materials. answer: scanning 
Q3. _is the fastest reading speed, and is used when you do not need high level of comprehension. answer: skimming Q4. _reading speed is the ideal speed for reading materials that are important and require intensive reading and comprehension. answer: Average 
 Q5. The slowest speed in reading is called _ speed. answer: study 
Q6. _in reading is paramount to effective reading. answer: flexibility 
Q7. If your purpose is to study a course material thoroughly, then your reading speed will be _____ answer: slow Q8. Your ___  will vary according to the purpose of reading. answer: reading speed Q9. ___ is when you read a text and go back to read the same text again. answer: Regression
 Q10. Not being able to read is to be __ of the happenings, events, situations and development around you. answer: ignorant 
Q11. Some speeches are to be comprehended ___ because the points are not too important. answer: superficially Q12. You can ___ a seemingly long and difficult word by breaking it into discussible parts such as prefixes, root, and suffixes. answer: attack 
Q13. In listening, your ability to relate or connect what was said before with what the speaker is saying now is called answer: relationship 
Q14. For active listening ability, you need functioning ears, ability to anticipate and think along with the speaker, noting important signposts and answer: concentration
 Q15. Using your dictionary to look for meanings of words while you are reading, actually ___ your reading speed. answer: slows down 
Q16. Sometimes, your world ___ of the idea that is discussed in a passage can suggest the meaning of new words in the passage. answer: experience 
Q17. When trying to make notes from your books, pay attention to the heading and sub heading because they can be very important in determining the answer: major points 
Q18. Reading 200 to 300 words per minutes is ideal in a ___ type of reading. answer: slow study
 Q19. _is usually at different levels during the art of listening. answer: comprehension 
Q20. Your comprehension rate should be about 80 or 90% in a answer: reading speed 
Q21. In effective reading, you must always decide not only what to read but also the of reading. answer: purpose Q22. Directions are vital information that place you in proper perspective regarding location, situation, time and answer: place Q23. __is at different levels during the art of listening answer: comprehension 
Q24. All narratives are usually expected to follow a starting with the background to the story. answer: story line Q25. A deaf person can still listen via answer: sign language 
Q26. When listening to a tutorial or lecture, you need the __to be able to determine the major point to be put down as notes. answer: main idea 
Q27. The reading speed that is ideal for reading materials that are important and require intensive reading and comprehension is called. answer: average 
Q28. A listening comprehension type which is not restricted to instruction, direction or facts is one that focuses on getting the ___ of what the speaker says. answer: general impression 
Q29. The most difficult task in listening comprehension is to be able to distinguish facts from fables or facts from ___ answer: opinions 30. When you hear sentences beginning with verbs such as ‘do’, ‘do not ‘, ‘leave’, 'petition’, know that a useful information in form of is about to be given. answer: instructions
 31. Reading materials are not to be read the same way, the same time, in all answer: purposes 
32. A collection of information in a computer or a research document is called answer: Data 
33. Listening is useless if there is no answer: comprehension 34. ___ is the fastest reading speed and is used to get a general overview or gist of the reading materials. answer: skimming 35. A narrative follows a ___ order answer: sequential 36. _is used to screen a passage very rapidly to locate important information within a large chunk of reading materials. answer: scanning 37: It is possible to skim and scan at the same time depending on the ___ and the information you are searching for. answer: purpose 38. When you listen attentively, it is possible to convert what you hear into or figure form. answer: pictorial
 39. As a student, you need the skill of ___ accurately to comprehend what is conveyed to you as information answer: listening 
40. ___ strategy is often used by the writer to given the reader sufficient words that will lead to sufficient understanding of the meaning of the newly introduced term. answer: lexical familiarization sponsored!
 41. ___ in listening involves looking at the merits and demerits of what is heard answer: Critical Analysis
 42. Figures, formulae, and tables found in a reading comprehension passage are called ___ or concrete reading material. answer: non-verbal 43. __texts do not tell stories. They discuss issues, concepts and plans and give reasons to support any viewpoint. answer: Expository 
44. The ___ is often referred to as the most intense or exciting part of a story. answer: climax 
45. The reading level where you are expected to have high concentration is the ___ speed level . answer: study
 46. Scientific writings are not expected to be precise but should have ambiguities. answer: False 
47. Scientific writing is a mixture of verbal and nonverbal forms of writing. answer: True 
48. We say that critical thinking is the hardest work we do while reading. Hence the slogan 'A critical mind is ______ answer: an intelligent mind 
49. The most intense or exciting part of a story is the ______ answer: climax 5
0. In a listening activity, your ability to connect what was said before with what the speaker is saying now is called______ answer: Relationship

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