Regression analysis
Q2 Analytical techniques used by Economists to model weather does not include_________________
Gravimetry analysis
Q3 Econoclimate provides framework in ____________ terms for examining the complex relationship between weather and climate and human activities
Q4 The economic analysis of weather and climate has been observed to be difficult because
Problems relating to measurement and quantification
The dynamic nature of weather
The fact that the atmosphere is a common property resource
---All of options
Q5 Planting of trees to prevent soil erosion will reduce________________
Q6 What measure could be taken to avoid flooding in highly populated areas ______________________
Divert streams
Q7 Dykes and levees are flood prevention measures to keep ____________ from overflowing during high waters.
Rive rs
Q8 Which is not a negative effect of floods ___________________
Awareness of shortcom ing in planning
Q9 The recent flood at Lokoja that disrupted motor traffic flow to Abuja was caused by
Estuarine flood
Coastal flood
Muddy flood
---None of optio s
Q10 Which flood results from catastrophe___________________
Flood from col lapsed dam
Q11 The man-made factors that may cause flood include____________________
All time traffic snarl
Q12 Natural factor responsible for flood does not include______________________
Areas where annual rainfall is low
Q13 Floods are climatological phenomena not influenced by __________________
Land s ize
Q14 . A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges ________________
Q15 Environmental fallouts of drought may not include______________
Luxuriant plants
Q16 Which is not a drought mitigation measure _______________
Construction of dam
Q17 The social consequences of drought may include__________________
Q18 When drought is severe and continues over a long period_______________-may occur.
Fam ine
Q19 Which is not type of drought__________________
Geographical drought
Q20 Drought is the deficiency of _____________ over a prolonged period of time, usually a season or more.
Precipitati on
Q21 The areas of greatest acidity would be_________________
Areas with large concentraeion of industrialised plants
Areas under wind direction
---All of options
Q22 The effect of acid rain on food crops is minimized by the application of _____________ to replace lost nutrients
Lime and fertilizers
Areas with large concentraeion of industrialised plants
Areas under wind direction
---All of options
Q22 The effect of acid rain on food crops is minimized by the application of _____________ to replace lost nutrients
Lime and fertilizers
Q23 Acid rain has harmful effects on __________________
Aquati c animals
---All of options
Q24 Which is not a natural source of acidity in rain___________________
Power plant
Q25 Acid rain is mostly caused by human emission of_____________compounds which react in the atmosphere to produce acids.
Sulphur and nitrogen
Q26 Acid rain is rain or any other form of precipitation that has a pH value of_______________
5.0 - 5.5
Q27 Weather modification could be deliberate or________________
Inadv ertent
Q28 Purposeful weather modification by man is known as___________
Weather control
Q29 Pollution of the city air may result into__________________
Acid rain
Q30 Urban weather modification is characterised by all of the followings except_______________
Decrease rainfall
Q31 Which is not an example of stimulus used in cloud seeding________________
Rain catcher
Q32 Weather control activities do not include_________________
Erection of lev ees
Q33 Which is not a motivation for weather modification_____________________
To compete with nature
Q34 Which human activity is aimed at modifying weather__________________
---None of op tions
Q35 Weather modification is the term used to describe man􀳦??s attempts at influencing _____________
Q36 Of all forms of trasportation, the most vulnerable is perhaps_______________
Air transport
Q37 Weather and climate influence the 3 stages in building industry namely: design, construction and
Air condition ing
Q38 Variations in climate could lead to all of the followings except________________
Determine food intake of individuals
Q39 The ability of a society to 􀳦??bounce back􀳦?? when adversely affected by climatic impacts is termed its _____________
Resilien ce
Q40 The extent to which a society is susceptible to damage by climatic causes is termed ____________
Q41 The key variables in both weather and climate are________________
Temperature and precipitat ion
Q42 GHG is an acronym for________________
Greenhouse gas
Q43 Exreme climatic conditions such as drought, flood and rise in sea level may not lead
Applause for development
Q44 Lack of knowledge of weather and climate at construction sites may leads to______________
Delayed Performance
Q45 The type of materials used in building construction is important in any climate for_______________
Determining the nature of indoor climate
Determining wear and tear of building
Determing the cost
---A and B
Q46 In the humid tropics, windows should be________________ and on opposite walls
Q47 The aim of climate conditioning is to create_____________ in and around the building.
Suitable climate
Q48 Which is not a factor of stress to buildings_______________
Q49 The ideal location for a settlement will depend on __________________
Conducive Climate
Good drainage
Water supply
---All of options
Q50 The design of runaways may not take cognizance of ________________
Culture of the people
Q51 Weather information and forecast in aviation indutry is sine non qua to______________
Safety and efficienc y
Q52 Which of the followings is not a safety hazard to aircraft _________________
Q53 Icing poses a danger to aircraft in several ways except_______________
Ice cream is supplied
Q54 Convective weather causes _________________
Poor staff salary
Q55 According to Kulesa (2008), aviation accidents and incidents contribute about __________of all aviation accidents.
0.2 3
Q56 During the en route phase of flight____________ have a significant impact on fuel burn and on-time performance.
Jet-stream winds
Q57 Why may the aircraft be deiced or be painted atleast a day before departure ____________
To prevent snow
Q58 Weather conditions do not affect__________________
Counter paym ent
Q59 Where are most synoptic weather stations located ______________
Q60 Every phase of flight is affected by ___________
Passe ngers
Temperature and precipitat ion
Q42 GHG is an acronym for________________
Greenhouse gas
Q43 Exreme climatic conditions such as drought, flood and rise in sea level may not lead
Applause for development
Q44 Lack of knowledge of weather and climate at construction sites may leads to______________
Delayed Performance
Q45 The type of materials used in building construction is important in any climate for_______________
Determining the nature of indoor climate
Determining wear and tear of building
Determing the cost
---A and B
Q46 In the humid tropics, windows should be________________ and on opposite walls
Q47 The aim of climate conditioning is to create_____________ in and around the building.
Suitable climate
Q48 Which is not a factor of stress to buildings_______________
Q49 The ideal location for a settlement will depend on __________________
Conducive Climate
Good drainage
Water supply
---All of options
Q50 The design of runaways may not take cognizance of ________________
Culture of the people
Q51 Weather information and forecast in aviation indutry is sine non qua to______________
Safety and efficienc y
Q52 Which of the followings is not a safety hazard to aircraft _________________
Q53 Icing poses a danger to aircraft in several ways except_______________
Ice cream is supplied
Q54 Convective weather causes _________________
Poor staff salary
Q55 According to Kulesa (2008), aviation accidents and incidents contribute about __________of all aviation accidents.
0.2 3
Q56 During the en route phase of flight____________ have a significant impact on fuel burn and on-time performance.
Jet-stream winds
Q57 Why may the aircraft be deiced or be painted atleast a day before departure ____________
To prevent snow
Q58 Weather conditions do not affect__________________
Counter paym ent
Q59 Where are most synoptic weather stations located ______________
Q60 Every phase of flight is affected by ___________
Passe ngers