*Q ALU means ______
*Q The second generation computers were programmed using ____ Language
*Q The binary system has ___ digits
*Q ____ is the exact value of megabytes in bytes
*Q The Full meaning of RAM is ________
*Q Computer Speakers are both Input and ____ devices
*Q _____ named computer application a tool?
*Q The Computer as a Tutee means it is a ___
*Q ARPA means ______
*Q HTML stands for ______
*Q E-mail means ______
*Q The first generation computers were programmed using ____ Language
*Q ____ invented "The Stepped Reckoner" which utilised the principle of multiplication through repeated addition
*Q In MICR, M stands for ____
*Q ____ Boole developed the Boolean Algebra
*Q What is the full meaning of ROM is ____
*Q ___ are programs that tells the computer what to do
*Q ____ language was used in the First Generation Computer
*Q The Chief Component of the first generation Computer was _____
*Q It is the duty of the _____ to break the curriculum into schemes
*Q In planning the scheme, the _____ planners are to categorise curriculum into years
*Q The Speed of the Printer is limited by the ______ used
*Q The full meaning of the acronym CD-ROM
*Q In MICR, C stands for _______
*Q The Brain of any computer is the ______
*Q To teach Computer effectively, we must make it ____ centred
*Q _____ generation of computers was built on Artificial Intelligence
*Q The first generation computers used ___ for their circuits
*Q The _____ writes the system software
*Q The transistor was invented by ____ in 1948
Q ____ computer combines both the features of Digital and Analogue computers
*Q www means ___
*Q URL means _____
*Q Google was developed at _____
*Q The programs that tells the CPU what to do are called _____
*Q The following are graphic packages except __
*Q In computer lesson preparation, computer is any of the following except __
*Q The following is an input device except
*Q Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?
*Q Computer science can be taught effectively by making it ____ centred
*Q The following are the usefulness of scheme of work of computer science methods except __
*Q The chief component of first generation computer was
*Q The following is a characteristic of first generation computers
*Q The following is the full meaning of the acronym CD-ROM
*Q Which of the following is referred to as the computer brain ?
*Q The characteristics of the 5th generation computers include the following except
*Q Scheme of work is useful as the ___
*Q The following is an advantage of computer based learning
*Q The following is a function of the CPU
*Q In selecting a software, the focus should be on _____
*Q The idea of the Internet started in
*Q The following are examples of fourth generation computers except _
*Q www means ___
*Q URL means _____
*Q Google was developed at _____
*Q The programs that tells the CPU what to do are called _____
*Q The following are graphic packages except __
*Q In computer lesson preparation, computer is any of the following except __
*Q The following is an input device except
*Q Which of the following is a part of the Central Processing Unit?
*Q Computer science can be taught effectively by making it ____ centred
*Q The following are the usefulness of scheme of work of computer science methods except __
*Q The chief component of first generation computer was
*Q The following is a characteristic of first generation computers
*Q The following is the full meaning of the acronym CD-ROM
*Q Which of the following is referred to as the computer brain ?
*Q The characteristics of the 5th generation computers include the following except
*Q Scheme of work is useful as the ___
*Q The following is an advantage of computer based learning
*Q The following is a function of the CPU
*Q In selecting a software, the focus should be on _____
*Q The idea of the Internet started in
*Q The following are examples of fourth generation computers except _