NOUN Practical Schedule For Faculty Of Science 2019_2 Academic Session

National Open University Of Nigeria (NOUN) Practical Schedule For 2019_2 Academic Session, This Page Provide Complete Details You Need to Know About NOUN Faculty of Science Practical Session, Registration Date and Locations

NOUN 2019 Practical Sessions

Practical for all students undertaking programmes in the Faculty of Sciences is scheduled to hold from 5th August, to 20th September, 2019 at their various Geopolitical zones.
All concerned Students are obliged to be present for their practical section.Please note that public holiday which may fall within the scheduled days has been taken into consideration.

NOUN 2019_2 Science Practical Exercise Information

In line with Science practice worldwide and senate directives, Faculty of Sciences is incorporating science practical as compulsory for all students taking science courses.  Considering that laboratory practical is an integral part of science courses, student’s grade in hands-on practical shall constitute 15% of the TMA.…


In line with Science practice worldwide and senate directives, Faculty of Sciences is incorporating science practical as compulsory for all students taking science courses.
Considering that laboratory practical is an integral part of science courses, student’s grade in hands-on practical shall constitute 15% of the TMA. Therefore, as you register for science courses in your different programmes listed below: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Mathematics & Computer and Physics, endeavour to go to the nearest practical centre to your study centre for your hands-on practical experience.
There are six practical centres throughout Nigeria, one in each geopolitical zone as shown below: All practical registrations close by 4th August, 2019 to enable groupings to be made and practical materials distributed to the centres.
Practical sessions shall hold Monday to Saturday, 8.00am to 6.00pm in three sessions daily. The 3rd session (i.e to pm) is to accommodate working class students who would need to be at work in the morning.
The Saturday is particularly meant for those outside the state of the practical centre but within the same geopolitical zone. All students must come with their Laboratory coat (NO EXCUSE WILL BE CONSIDERED)


Mondays: BIO191 / Computer Science
Tuesdays: PHY191/Mathematics/Environmental Science
Wednesdays: CHM191 /Computer Science
Thursdays: BIO192/ Computer Science/Environmental Science
Fridays: PHY192 / Environmental Science/Mathematics
Saturday: CHM192 /Mathematics/Computer Science
On each day, three sessions are held as follows:
i. First session; 9.00 am to 12 noon
ii. Second session; 12.30 pm to 3.30 pm
iii. Third session; 3.45 pm – 6.45 pm
Students are to note that:
i. The practical sessions will be strictly as scheduled. Students who come at other times will not be allowed to take classes.
ii. A standard student practical book is required from each student to record observations and reports.
iii. Each student should ensure that he/she come with a white long sleeve laboratory coat, three-quarter length.
iv. The venues are as shown below: \\zzzxxvvvvmmnop QBXRSTUVWXYZ45123456789+0
Strict adherence to the above is mandatory to guarantee success.
Students should note that practical examination shall be taken at the end of the exercise.
Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.

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