If your course outline has an IT/SIWES course, you are expected to participate in a six (6) month Industrial attachment training during the first semester of your final year (400 level). Industrial attachment training must be carried out *in a workplace that is relevant to students’ discipline*. Field supervisors shall be assigned to you to monitor and assess your’ activities during the period of your attachment. Grading of the course is the same as for other courses and project.
*General Requirements for Students*
i. To attend SIWES orientation programme before proceeding
on industrial attachment.
ii. To be regular and punctual at the place of attachment.
iii. To comply with the employers’ rules and regulations and avoid absenteeism and late coming to workplace and other acts of indiscipline.
iv. To maintain proper records of training activities and other
assignments in the logbooks.
v. To arrange own living accommodation during the period of attachment.
vi. To submit Log Books, Reports and other documents related to
SIWES as required by the University at the end of the
training period.
vii. To submit appropriately to ITF through appropriate channel of
communication, Evaluation Form (Form 005), duly completed
by the undergraduates, the employer and the Directorate of SIWES.
viii. To submit Work Reporting after Industrial Training and present seminars.
ix. To avoid change of place of attachment except in exceptional
circumstance and with the prior permission of Study Centre Director and the SIWES Directorate.
*Save this message for future referencing if you're yet to attend*.